Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
You might consider keeping track of what you do in your garden. If you don't you may be INSANE as defined above and missing opportunities.
One way to do that is using a spreadsheet. Keep track of what you plant on a calendar. Create symbols representing how you plant. Insert comments for more detailed notes.
Here is a link to a sample spreadsheet:
Be sure to click "Open with" google sheets so you can read the comments
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Purpose and Goals
The Eastmark Gardening
Club was approved by Eastmark HOA 26 April 2017
We believe it is important each family produce some food
within the confines of their own lot to somewhat stabilize availability of
ready healthy food and to preserve seeds in the hands of people.
We also believe gardening includes growing
flowers or other plants that are pleasing to the eye and will gladden the
The Eastmark Garden Club has these goals: G--E--S
as many people as possible to:
G = Grow a garden and produce as much of their own organic food at
home in home gardens (in-ground, pots, hydroponics, etc) and grow flowers to beautify homes and gladden the heart. Particular attention will be given to small
urban yard gardens to compliment the limited space and growing conditions of
the community that we live in.
E = Educate club members so they have the skills to be successful
E = Educate club members so they have the skills to be successful
S = Save seeds, particularly those indigenous to
the Sonoran Southwest and Exchange seeds with club members and Share ideas.
Provide information where people can go to get educated on their own;
invite speakers; produce blog posts, etc
Collaboration: Provide means for people to
exchange ideas and encourage one another in their efforts to garden and save
Seed Exchange: Coordinate efforts to save seeds
of as many varieties as possible and share with as many people as possible.
Create a blog to post educational material,
results of experiments by garden club members and links to education sites
Create a Facebook page so Garden Club members
can interactively ask questions, receive comments and post successes and
Most information shared by the Eastmark
Gardening Club will be via social media instead of face to face meetings. However the following meetings are
Monthly meetings/tours of different club member
gardens. They can demonstrate what they
are going, share ideas, get advice, etc
Non-regular meetings where specialist are
invited to speak.
Spontaneous meetings among garden club members
Anyone can join, but residents of Eastmark will
be the primary target
Members ‘join’ the ‘club’ by requesting their
name, email and telephone # be added to the club roster and voluntarily
participating in the Facebook page, formal meetings, sharing information, etc
Level of participation in the club is totally
voluntary, dependent on the person’s time, resources and interests and can
range from a casual review of the blogsite and facebook to active participation
in the seed exchanges, in seed diversity experiments, helping to organize club
meetings, speakers, expos, etc
Nothing is purchased or sold by the club, so
there will be no membership dues or fund raisers.
· The Eastmark Garden Club is not a typical “community garden” because of all the challenges and problems otherwise associated with real
estate, finances, management, security, etc.
The success of a typical community garden usually depends on the efforts of a small handful of people who do most of the work. It also detracts from the goals of the
Eastmark Gardening Club.
The Eastmark Garden Club might be considered a "Virtual Community Garden". Every
family will have the opportunity to produce something within the confines of
their own lot where success (rewards) or failure (learning experiences) depends
entirely on the family involved. Because
the garden is just outside their kitchen window and will be seen every day, the
garden is central to the family activities and won’t be forgotten. Collectively, all the family gardens in the
Eastmark Garden Club constitute the “Community” garden which is shared through
the blogsite, facebook, visits by club members to individual family gardens,
seed exchanges, sharing produce, etc.
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The Eastmark Gardening Club was approved by Eastmark HOA 26 April 2017 We believe it is important each family produce some food within ...
The Eastmark Garden Club meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month at "The Mark" (TYPICALLY). Watch for updates on the "Eastm...
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